What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)?

We get it… the main question everyone wants to know is, “What’s in it for me?” We understand time is a valuable commodity that we will never be able to recover. Therefore, at Harlem World Palm Consulting, we will not waste your time…

Recently, we received the following question from a prospect:

“I’m in the entertainment industry, how would you be able to assist me?”

Our response:

Harlem World Palm Consulting is a full-service professional administrative / marketing support firm. Many small business owners, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations benefit from our services because there is always a demand for professional administrative support. Organizational support, client outreach, sales support, client follow up, email marketing, and social-media management are all vital components that are necessary to the success of every business in every industry.

Harlem World Palm Consulting is equipped to help you “Simplify Your Life!” However, it all depends on areas, tasks or projects in your day-to-day business that you have deemed as repetitive, time-consuming, and not the best use of your time as the President, Chief Executive Officer or Executive Director of your growing company. In other words, what repetitive or time-consuming tasks are you performing that is taking away time from engaging with existing and/or prospective clients, spending quality time with loved ones and enjoying your life as an entrepreneur? What are some of the pain points you’re experiencing in your business?

You simply tell us what your administrative/marketing needs are, and we will tell you whether or not we can meet and/or exceed your expectations! For more information, read our Blog Post titled, “Do Your Customers, Know, Like, and Trust You?”
