Happy 2023!

The 1st quarter of the New Year is here, and many businesses have already developed strategic plans for 2023. While a new year offers a chance to try something new, market instability and the looming threat of a potential recession are increasing the amount of pressure felt by #smallbusiness #leaders. Are you on course or do you need to pivot? Now, more than ever, it is important to look at cost-saving measures without sacrificing the quality of service. Luckily, there is an alternative to the high cost associated with hiring a full-time, permanent employee… contracting a professional, experienced, and college-educated Executive Virtual Assistant.

Looking back at the successes and failures of 2022 can offer insight into what initiatives would be best to explore or where an organization can pivot if something isn't bringing in the desired results.

To learn more, click the link and schedule a 15-minute Discovery Call or 30-minute Consultation today to discuss how Harlem World Palm Consulting may help you “Simplify Your Life” in 2023.
