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It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Super Admin!

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

Bravo! You’ve finally made the leap from being an employee to an employer. You’ve decided to start your own business, which is Fantastic! As a Small Business owner, you will wear many hats while trying to grow your business. In the meantime, your family and friends are on the brink of filing a missing-person report and requesting an all-points bulletin to locate you because they never see you anymore. You’re busy meeting with existing clients and networking to gain more clients to grow your business. The problem is, while you’re trying to grow your business and focus on your bottom line, you’re answering the phones, scheduling appointments, responding to email and voice-mail messages, mailing out massive marketing material to prospective clients, making announcements to your 500+ LinkedIn connections, updating your website, attempting to stay visible in the world of Social Media with regular posts and tweets, organizing files and various paperwork and other repetitive daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Whew, bananas right? It’s exhausting just thinking about all of those administrative tasks you perform regularly while attempting to take your business to the next level. This is a job for "Super Admin," who can assist you in "expanding" your business in a single bound!

As a Small Business owner, your goal is to “Increase Efficiency & Control Cost.” Are you really accomplishing that goal trying to do everything on your own or are you just driving yourself crazy? Unfortunately, you cannot continue to operate in this manner because it will eventually create a problem for you, your family and the future success of your business. DO NOT miss another opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and further grow your business because you’re overwhelmed with administrative tasks. Leave it to the “Professionals.” So you say that “It’s not in the budget to hire a full-time or part-time employee?” Well, the solution is to outsource those tasks and only pay for the time you need.

When you outsource administrative tasks to the right administrative professional, you reduce overhead costs as most tasks can be completed offsite. Outsourcing will allow you more time to focus on your business, increase productivity/revenue and "Simplify Your Life." Additionally, there are NO costly classified ads in the newspaper, NO required training, NO time-consuming interviews, NO employee-related insurance costs, and absolutely NO agency fees when you partner with an “experienced and competent” Administrative Consultant!

Veronica L. Sagastume of who has over 20 years of experience as a financial executive in Corporate America, as well as running her own corporate consulting practice stated, “All entrepreneurs should organize their business tasks into four columns.” This exercise will help you become more productive and identify areas in which you will need the help of an expert like a poised, professional and technological savvy Administrative Consultant, also known as a Virtual Assistant (VA) or a "Super Admin!" Here are the following four columns:

1) Things you don’t know how to do 2) Tasks you simply don’t have time to do 3) Things (pesky tasks) you DON’T want to do 4) Tasks we HAVE to do

There are some tasks you'll probably need to handle directly to grow your business (Column 4). Therefore, it makes perfect sense to focus on that particular area and outsource the rest according to Veronica. Harlem World Palm Administrative Consulting is here to handle tasks 1 through 3! After all, your sanity and the success of your “Business” depends on it!

According to Patrick Bet-David who is a successful CEO, Entrepreneur, Business Mentor and Author, “The sooner you realize that as an entrepreneur, you need help, the sooner you will start to see your business scale.” Check out this quick video titled, How to Hire an Assistant…

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