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Feeding the Beast: Social Media Marketing

The term “Feeding the Beast” is described as a big scary animal that requires constant feeding. There is no reasoning with it. You can’t change it. You just feed it! It can also be characterized as a powerful force that you cannot control! It reminds me of the first time I attended an off Broadway performance in New York City titled, “Little Shop of Horror.” The play was a horror comedy rock musical and the performance was absolutely fabulous! It centered around an orphaned flower shop employee by the name of Seymour who later discovered that in order for the plant to grow, it must be fed on human blood and flesh (It sounds gross but it was more comical than anything). The plant started out really small and eventually grew bigger and gained world-wide attention. This became very profitable for the shop owner as people began to patronize the establishment just to get a closer look at this plant. As the plant grew bigger in size, the more it required. There was no reasoning with it, you couldn’t change it and Seymour had to keep feeding it, while the plant would constantly yell in a deep baritone voice, "Feed me Seymour!"

Although social media wasn’t designed to drain you dry but it was designed as a form of connecting with others globally and receiving and disseminating information fairly quickly. As an Entrepreneur, you must be present on social media and the design of your banners will reveal a lot about you & your business. You're working extremely hard to attract your ideal clients because you're aware that we are very "visual" beings. However, oftentimes your possible ideal clients completely scrolled pass your Facebook ad, page, group or post because it just wasn’t appealing to the eyes. You may have had great content about the services or products you provide but your ideal client will never know because they scrolled right pass it or you're not present enough for others to become familiar with your brand.

Also, the attention span of the modern online consumer is very short as we want that "instant gratification." Therefore, we must produce attention-grabbing banners to accompany your content and value. Our online message must also “Say it Quick & Say it Well!" The goal is to have consumers immediately become drawn to our page, group or profile so that we may establish and build long-lasting business relationships because just like the beastly plant in the play, social media can be a beast that you cannot reason with or change… you just have to keep feeding it with great graphics, value and content.

Harlem World Palm can assist you with your social media banners and eye-catching graphics. Perhaps you need us to create and maintain social media accounts for your business? Visit our website (, complete and submit the "Client Needs Assessment" form so that we have a clear understanding of your administrative needs and we promise to follow up with you. We will contact you to discuss how we can get started on building an effective online social media presence to let the world know that you are "Present" and “Open for Business!" We are equipped to "Feed the Beast."

Patrick Bet-David is a successful CEO, Entrepreneur, Business Mentor and Author. Check out his video titled, “How to Stand Out on Social Media as an Entrepreneur” where he breaks down the purpose of the most common social media platforms.

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